Frequently Asked Questions

How to add a vendor automatically to vendor group if they buy a certain product ?

1. Create a new category to add your certain products from JooCart Admin Panel Left side menu->Catalog->Categories. All products under this category will be used as vendor packages.
2. Select this newly created category as default product category for vendors from JooCart Admin Panel Left side menu->Vendors->Vendor Settings->Select default product category for vendors
3. Now create your required products from JooCart Admin Panel Left side menu->Catalog->Products and select newly created category as parent category for this product.
4. Then from JooCart Admin Panel Left side menu->Vendors->Vendor Groups->Vendor Group[Edit]->Product need to purchase before activated: select your newly created product and save
5. Done
Now in front-end vendor can see a link "Purchase a Plan" in his "My Account" page. All vendor package products will be available there.
Now when any vendor purchase this product successfully he will be added to respective vendor groups automatically and will be able to access vendor panel immediately.

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