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How to setup download product in jCommerce?

  • Log onto your jCommerce back-end, Click Configuration and then click Download link. On the right panel, set the value of Enable Download and Download by Redirect to False.If false not working in your site,then set it to True
  • Upload your downloadable product file to the components/com_jcommerce/download folder as a zip file (using no spaces in the name). If you open your web server via FTP, and notice a zip file named under the download folder, then you can skip this step for the testing purposes.
  • If you have not generate a product in the back-end, then do so as you would normally for any product you sell in OSCommerce.
  • Click Catalog and then Product Attributes. Under “Product Options”, create a new option called “Download” or something that you and your customer will recognize.
  • In the same Product Attributes page, create a Option Value of “Windows” or “Mac” or whatever.
  • Still in the Product Attributes page, at the bottom of the page, you will find a drop down menu of each of your products. Find the product that you wish to offer as a download and select it (like the one you created in step 3).
  • Under the Option Name, choose “Download” or whatever you used in step 4 above.
  • Under Option Value, choose “Windows” or whatever you used in step 5 above.
  • Set your price for the product or leave blank or zero 0.
  • Skip the Prefix section.
  • Type in the exact name of the download file as it is saved in your downloads folder as you did in step 2 above. Remember, no spaces in the filename and include the .zip extention. Do not put anything like http:// or path before it. (For the convenience, you can download some contributions from OSCommerce to allow you to browser uploaded files).
  • Set the number of days the purchased download will be available to your customer.
  • Set the maximum amount of downloads tries you wish to grant to your customer. You should at the very least give your customer 2 tries, in case something happens to thier connection.
  • Finally, click the “insert” button at the far right.
  • Your product is now available for download.

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