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Frequently Asked Questions

How to install a module in jCart?

jCart module installation.
jCart Modules and plugins will be installed automatically during jCart package installation.If you missed any modules then you can install it again from jCart package as follows(otherwise skip step 1 to 3, follow the instructions from step 4):
1. Download the jCart package from your account Download Section . You will get there.
Unzip it too. In the unzipped Package folder , you will see file,Unzip it too,Now you will get all the modules in your package Modules\3.x-4.x folder.
2. Go to Joomla Admin Panel Top Menu: Extensions->Manage->Install
3. Install from modules folder using this Joomla Admin Panel Top Menu: Extensions->Manage->Install
Just browse module and click "Upload & Install" button from "Upload Package File" section.
4. Now go to Joomla Admin Panel Top Menu: Extensions->Modules ,then click on "New" button
5. Select jCart all in one module
6. Select your required module from "Select Module" list box
7. Put your module title,position,status etc
If your selected module can be installed as multiple instances , then you can put module_id of that extension here too and save
8. To enable or to get module_id, go to jCart Admin Panel Modules section(jCart Admin Panel Left Side Menu: Extensions->Extensions->Modules) and make sure your required module is installed and enabled there.
Then go to again edit page of that module and look at the url in browser. You will get the module id from there.For example if your url is something like this http://yoursite/administrator/index.php?option=com_jcart&route=extension/module/featured&user_token=sdfsdfsdfsddfds&module_id=28 then module_id is 28. Use this module_id in your jCart All in one module settings.
(If you want to show modules in jCart left/right column instead of Joomla left/right sidebar module positions,then go to jCart Admin options, Set Hide left/right column:No and save. Now jCart left and right column will work as like as standard OpenCart.)

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