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How to add a language to jCart

1.The first thing to do here is to download the translation you need from the store official website.

2.When you have the distribution archive file of the language pack downloaded you can extract it on your local computer. There should be a new folder created under which you will have all the web scripts located.

3.Now upload the language file ocmod zip file from admin panel left side menu: Extensions->Installer. If no ocmod zip file avaialble, then upload them manually using ftp. The language pack will come with two directories in the archive catalog and admin. You should upload these under the public_html\joomla_root_directory\components\com_jcart\ folder of your hosting account. For the upload of the files you may use your favorite FTP client.

4.The upload of the language files is now completed and we will proceed with the final step of the installation. You should login to your jCart admin back-end now from: jCart:

5.When the admin back-end is completely rendered navigate to System > Localisation > Languages
You will notice the “Insert” button at the very top right corner of the “Languages” page
In each Language package all the fields’ information should be available in the ReadMe text file included in the archive. Insert your new language.

6.If you like to change the default language for your store front and back-end navigate to the System > Settings > Local tab:
Change your default language.

7.To integrate with Joomla Go to Joomla admin Top menu Extensions->Plugins
Enable System - Language Code and System - Language Filter Plugin
Go to jCart admin panel,Find a button named "Options" at the top-right or top-left corner.Click on it(See in Preferences Tab). Set "Change Language" to Yes and save.

8.Done "

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