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Frequently Asked Questions

How can i export OpenCart's products from my another site to jCart?

You should import your OpenCart's database to jCart.

Make sure your are using same OpenCart and jCart version.If not ,then upgrade to same version
Go to Admin Panel Left Side Menu: System->Maintenance->Backup/Restore menu from OpenCart admin panel
Just select the OpenCart database's table and click Backup button
Save the sql file
Go to Admin Panel Left Side Menu: System->Maintenance->Backup/Restore menu from jCart admin panel
Browse the backup sql file and click Restore button.
Make sure database prefix of sql file and jCart database prefix are same.If not,then replace all the database prefix from backup sql file to oc_
For digital product's downloads,products images etc ,upload them from OpenCart directory to jCart directory(components\com_jcart\)

If you are getting any error then use phpmyadmin to export/import.
Export your opencart database with structure and data by clicking option "Drop table if exists" using phpMyAdmin
Then import this sql file to your jCart database using phpMyAdmin

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