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Frequently Asked Questions

How to customize or override default template files in jCart?

First Method:
It is very easy to edit default template files.
1) Go to jCart admin panel left side menu->Design->Theme Editor
2) Find your required template twig files there. Then edit and save.
3) Done

Second Method:
Create a new folder as new template. For example create custom folder as components/com_jcart/catalog/view/theme/custom
Copy your required files and stylesheet files from components/com_jcart/catalog/view/theme/default folder to your custom folder(components/com_jcart/catalog/view/theme/custom) by keeping same folder structure.
Then edit your required files in your custom folder(components/com_jcart/catalog/view/theme/custom)
You do not need to copy all files from default template folder to custom template folder.
Copy only your required files and stylesheet files. Missing files will be used from default template folder.
Then go to Extensions->Extensions->Themes->Default Store Theme [Edit]
Set Theme Directory: custom
and save
If you want to edit stylesheet.css file,then you need to copy and edit header.twig file too for replacing "default" text to "custom" in custom folder(from components/com_jcart/catalog/view/theme/default/template/common/header.twig to components/com_jcart/catalog/view/theme/custom/template/common/header.twig )

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