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Frequently Asked Questions

How to install jCommerce?

Downloading jCommerce
1. Download your jCommerce package by clicking download link from your account
2. jCommerce Package contains:
b) this upgrade package only if you are an existing customer of older version)
c) you want to install an older version of jCommerce,then unzip it and search your required version within it)
3. Download file for new installation.

Installation jCommerce

Unzip,you will get you will get,Readme.txt files

1. Go to Joomla Admin Panel Top Menu: Extensions->Extension Manager
2. Browse file and click "Upload & Install" button from "Upload Package File" section.
3. Done.

If you can not install using first method then use this method.
1. Open FTP connection to your Joomla site, locate and open tmp folder.
2. Upload using ftp in to your public_html(joomla_root_directory)/tmp folder.
3. Go to Joomla menu(Extensions->Extension Manager).
4. Give Install URL in "Install from URL" section as follows:
Install URL:
If you see error message "Error connecting to the server: failed to open stream: no suitable wrapper could be found Invalid URL" then put Install URL as follows:
Install URL: ../tmp/
5. Install it by clicking "Install" button from "Install from URL" section.
6. Now delete file from public_html(joomla_root_directory)/tmp folder(IMPORTANT).

If you can not install using first two methods then use this method.
1. Unzip all of the files locally(i.e unzip Then transfer the files (using FTP) to a folder in the tmp directory (for example /home/demophpsoft/public_html/tmp/pkg_jcommerce/) for the you are installing.
2. Also you can upload the file first(in /home/demophpsoft/public_html/tmp/pkg_jcommerce/ folder) then extract it using a file manager which has extract feature.
3. Go to Joomla menu(Extensions->Extension Manager) but select "Install From Directory" indicating the correct folder name. This folder name should be an absolute path from the root of the filesystem(for example Install Directory: /home/demophpsoft/public_html/tmp/pkg_jcommerce/).
4. Install it by clicking "Install" button from "Install From Directory" section.
5. Delete the pkg_jcommerce folder from tmp directory(e.g. /home/demophpsoft/public_html/tmp/).

Access jCommerce Admin Panel

1. Go to Joomla Menu: Components->jCommerce
2. Enter default username and password
You will get default jCommerce admin username and password in README.txt
3. Change the default password.Very Important!!!!

Access jCommerce Frontend

1. Go to Joomla Menus->Main Menu
2. Click in "New" button.
3. Select Menu type as jCommerce->Home
4. Provide Menu Title(e.g. Shop etc),Alias(e.g. shop etc).
5. Save.
6. Go to jCommerce admin panel,Find a button named "Options" at the top-right or top-left corner.Click on it(See in Preferences Tab). Now provide jCommerce Menu ID there.You will get this jCommerce shop menu item id from Joomla menu manager(e.g. 101) which you have just created. If you are using multi-language and you have multiple menu id for your shop menu item then put language prefix with equal sign before Item Id with comma separated values(e.g. en=101,nl=222,es=320).If you don't sure,then keep it blank.
7. Go to Joomla Frontend (
8. You will see a Shop menu for jCommerce,Click on it.

jCommerce Modules and plugins will be installed automatically during jCommerce package installation.
Enable jCommerce Modules
1. Go to Extensions->Modules ,then click on "New" button
2. Select your required jCommerce related modules
3. Put your module title,position,status etc and save it
4. Make sure your module is also enabled in jCommerce Admin Panel Modules section.

Changing jCommerce Default Options
1. Go to jCommerce admin panel,Find a button named "Options" at the top-right or top-left corner.Click on it(in Joomla >=1.6.x See in Preferences Tab).
2. You will see there many options including using Joomla buttons,Single Admin Login etc.From there you can also show or hide jCommerce header,footer for frontend.

Upgrading jCommerce from older version using Joomla! update system
1. Go to jCommerce admin panel,Find a button named "Options" at the top-right or top-left corner.Click on it. See in Preferences Tab
2. Provide your Upgrade Package Download ID(You will get it from your Account->Downloads in and Order Email address(you will get it from your Account Information in there and save.
3. Now logout from Joomla and login again and browse jCommerce dashboard.
4. Now you can update jCommerce using Joomla! update system from Joomla Admin Panel Top Menu->Extensions->Manage->Update

Manual Update
Download again jCommerce Upgrade Package zip file from
Unzip it. Within this unzipped upgrade package,you will find a README.txt file.
Follow the instructions mentioned in the README.txt file.

If your subscription period(order status) is expired then you need to purchase jCommerce again to get new updates.

If you have any questions or if you are facing any kind of issue then please feel free to submit a ticket Support Ticket

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