- Details
JooCart,jCart is released for OpenCart with new features and bug fixes.
New Features:
1. Latest OpenCart inside
2. More compatibility with third party opencart templates
3. Option to use dynamic urls for cart and checkout page
4. Integration with Joomla timezone
Bug Fixed:
1. Caching issue
2. Tooltip issue
3. Admin session expire issue
4. Minor CSS issues including Joomla module CSS issue
Minimum Requirements:
PHP version 7.3 or newer
- Details
JooCart,jCart is released for OpenCart with new features and bug fixes.
New Features:
1. New options to browse OpenCart admin panel Without Joomla template
2. Support for many opencart third party templates including Journal
3. More Joomla caching compatibility
Bug Fixed:
1. TinyMce editor issue
2. Sagepay payment gateway issue
3. SEO url issues with some third parties
Minimum Requirements:
PHP version 7.3 or newer
- Details
JooCart,jCart is released for OpenCart with bug fixes.
Bug Fixed:
1. Joomla gantry 5 template twig issue
2. Popup modal issue for some third party extensions
3. PayPal express issue with PHP 7.3+
4. Language editor issue in admin panel
5. Front-end admin CSS conflict with third-party templates
6. Front-end admin java script conflict with third-party templates
7. Add to cart notification missing issue when header is not visible.
8. Joomla user group integration issue
Minimum Requirements:
PHP version 7.3 or newer
- Details
JooCart,jCart is released for OpenCart with new features and previous bug fixes.
New Features
1. Joomla customer group integration
2. Product quantity input field option in JooCart content plugin
3. Latest opencart inside.
Bug Fixed since previous version:
1. CSS load issues for Joomla modules
2. Extra div issue for Joomla modules
3. ocMod extensions error for OpenCart
4. Twig error(NEW)
Minimum Requirements:
PHP version 7.3 or newer
- Details
JooCart,jCart is released for OpenCart with new features and previous bug fixes.
New Features
1. New color options to change default template colors.
2. Custom CSS option.
3. Search with product model in Joomla search.
4. Code improvement to work with Joomla cache.
5. Latest opencart inside.
Bug Fixed since previous version:
1. Minor PHP 7.4 compatibility issues.
2. PayPal Express Checkout issues.
3. Summernote editor issue.
4. Joomla! module issues.
5. Minor CSS issues both in frontend and backend.