- Details
JooCart is released for OpenCart 1.5.6 with new features and previous bug fixes.
New Features Added by OpenCart:
Paypal Pro Iframe / Payflow Pro iFrame
PayPal Express Checkout
Amazon Payments
OpenBay Pro
OpenCart 1.5.6 inside
Bug Fixes:
Notice Issue in welcome module
Notice Issue for column right file
klarna payment gateway issue
Frontend Admin Issue
Header Module Search Issue
SSL Issue
Frontend Admin css issue with some templates
Conflict with Other third party issue
User Plugin issue with blank password
Connect to existing OpenCart Issue with different databases
- Details
JooCart is released for OpenCart with new features and previous bug fixes.
New Features:
Options for showing left/right column of OpenCart as well as Joomla modules
Options for changing color of default template
Mobile supported theme
OpenCart inside
Bug Fixes:
Joomla 3.x registration issue
Menu Item id in jQuery url issue
Klarna Payment Gateway
Product Filters
Categories, Downloads now use auto-complete to select
Updated the upgrade system
Tried to add a system to allow the cart to be passed across multiple domains
Added a system to allow users to decide what mime type files can be uploaded
Altered the system to no longer use binary utf-8 and use general instead.
set the language class back tot he old style to avoid compatibility problems with extensions
add the load method for language back to the loader class
fixed an issue with deleting categories
- Details
JooCart is released for OpenCart with new features and previous bug fixes.
New Features:
Integration with Joomla(JRoute) SEO URL
Product/Category select joomla menu item for JooCart
JooCart All in One Module(Separate modules also exists)
Integration with Joomla User Profile
Admin Panel for Front end User(Front-end Management)
Header and Footer Module for JooCart
OpenCart inside
Bug Fixes:
Language integration issue with Joomla
SEO URL issue for few some servers
SSL Issue
Checkout page alignment button issue
Joomla Ajax Search template css issue
Admin footer css issue for some Joomla admin templates
Remove cart and Add to cart issue
Joomla user plug-in issue
Site Map issue
Google Product Feed Issue
- Details
jCommerce is released for osCommerce 2.3.2
The following changes are included in this release:
- Integration with Joomla Seo URL(JRoute)
- Integration with ckeditor for Admin Products
- Joomla internal link to product,category,manufacturer in Joomla menu item
- Joomla access permission for jCommece(acl)
- Changed customer password forgotten feature to e-mail a personal link to the customer where they can change their password up to 24 hours, instead of directly changing the password to a random string and e-mailing it to the customer.
Added new password_reset.php page to manage personal password reset links.
Added new ar_password_reset.php Action Recorder module to log and limit the request of personal password reset links to once every 5 minutes - Improve logic of tep_create_random_value() by using Phpass' random number generator.
If function parameter $type is not 'mixed', 'chars', or 'digits', return a 'mixed' string instead of false. - Add openssl_random_pseudo_bytes() and mcrypt_create_iv() to Phpass' get_random_bytes() class method. These are used if /dev/urandom is not availabl
- Details
JooCart is released for OpenCart with some important features.
NEW features done by OpenCart:
Company ID and TAX ID fields.
VAT number checking.
CKeditor updated to the latest .
Jquery updated to the latest.
Voucher min/max limits in settings.
FIXED done by OpenCart:
SQL error in install
Bulgarian zones list is incomplete
more here http://www.soft-php.com/joomla-shopping-cart-system.html